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There is a difference between a hardcore game, and hardcore gaming. You can game hardcore with any game. That does not necessarily mean the game was designed as a hardcore game. So yes you could play Wii music twenty hours a week, and you would be a hardcore gamer. Not necessarily an intriguing one, but a hardcore gamer none the less.

I once knew a hardcore gamer that played roughly forty hours a week, and all he did was look for hacks, bugs, and glitches. I honestly couldn't see why it amused him so, but it did. Yes he was a hardcore gamer just an exceedingly dull one. Hardcore could be said to be the same as obsessive. These days I barely tip the scales, but a few years ago I would easily rack up fifty hours a week.

I hope your not seriously considering playing Wii Music hardcore. That almost seems like the definition of a waste when that kind of energy could go into many far more rewarding games. I suppose you could be supremely dull if you want to. I wouldn't understand it, but if it floats your boat go for it.