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It can be alot of things. It can be used as a defense mechanism when other gamers (typically casual) are lamblasted for not being hardcore.

However, I view Hardcore gaming as a market niche. You'll often see varying attach rates for the same game on the PS3, 360, and Wii. This is because the players like different things. Hardcore gamers typically like RPGs, simulations, FPS, and action games that take 20+ hours to beat and have complicated control schemes. Most gamers in the market lose interest in these games before they get substantially deep into the game and would prefer a game that stresses multi player and instant satisfaction. These games tend to have more of an "arcade" quality rather than skill. What you typically find is that all markets interact somewhat and if a casual game player can find a "hardcore" game that they can connect with they will play it like a hardcore gamer and exhibit the traits of the hardcore gamer. Like most market segments there are no clean breaks.