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Onyxmeth said:
Kantor said:
Onyxmeth said:
Snake612 said:
I can't even imagine what the bosses are going to be like in that game. I hope there is a release date in March 2009.

Why do people think this is a realistic release date for this game? 4-5 months from now? They haven't even shown gameplay footage yet. No GOW game has been released with this little fanfare, nor has any big Sony game. March 2010 sounds much more realistic in this case.


I agree that March 2009 is a little far fetched, but March 2010 is too late.

They've already shown a teaser. In July. That would make it almost two years from teaser to release.

I'm thinking late Q3- early Q4 2009.

They do have a nice March pattern going on, and as Wikipedia says (I believe), there was a two year gap between GoW 1 and 2, so:

GoW: March 2005

GoW2: March 2007

GoW:CoO: March 2008

GoW3: March 2009?

But I strongly doubt it will be ready by then. They have yet to show any gameplay. Maybe they're afraid that people will explode with anticipation.


I'm simply trying to keep the March pattern going that Sony is obviously aware of. 2009 is just rediculous. Fall 2009 is an appropriate time frame if they feel they can and want to release it then, but I think they'll stick with their March plan and go for 2010, especially if they can finally push out GT5 in 2009.

Let's just say God of War III was somehow ready for March 2009(HAHA!), they still wouldn't clog the Spring/Early Summer pipeline with three major releases(KZ2, Infamous and GOW3).



Yeah don't expect Gow3 anytime soon especialy if GT5 drops in '09