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hhhmmmm, best multiplatform game huh

i think i'm gonna have to go with saints row 2, it was far better than the origional in my eyes and the co-op is just a blast

like CGI i also have nothing but praise for Dead space and would say its easily the 2nd best multiplat game i have played this year

my top 5 this year (all platforms, well on 360 lol)

1. Gears of war 2 (its gears of war, what more needs to be said?)
2. Left 4 Dead (i started this last night and i'm already hooked)
3. Ninja gaiden 2 (underrated due to DMC fanboy reviewers been p*ssed at Itagaki)
4. Saints row 2 (Fun fun fun)
5. Dead space (completed it but still going back for achievements)