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bbsin said:
1)where is all this KH exclusive to Wii coming from??? The only news about Disney making games for the Wii was that they were opening up a new studio. KH3 will br done by SquareEnix, SE is not exclusive to anyone but favors sony products the most since switching to CD format. Disney is not going to keep their patents or trademarks away from any of the three companies. They have an exclusive commitment with Sony to keep disney movies on BluRay, they made a deal to release many old and new HD movies on Xboxlive and formed a new game studio to make games like HanaMontana, and chicken little for nintendo. 2)Disney has very little say about the actual game development of KingdomHearts, they never did to begin with. Game developement is soley on SquareEnix's part, disney just oversees the Voiceovers and Disney character developement. Anyone who thinks Disney knows squat on how to make a decent games (such as KH) is completely out of their minds. 3)I'm not saying KH will stay sony exclusive, but the people that are blabbering about how the series will go nintendo exclusive just b/c disney opened a new low end studio to make games for nintendo is just plain BS. None of this is confirmed, so stop trying to spread BS rumors from nothing.

1) It's all speculation, but SE doesn't "favor" Sony products, they favor the market leader. If they favored Sony products then their handheld development wouldn't be OVERWHELMINGLY in support of the DS. PSP has seen nothing but ports from SE, an FF7 prequel and an FF fighter. SE has and will ditch a platform when they can. The only reason they were developing on Wonderswan was because they were still at odds with Nintendo. As soon as Yamauchi was gone and they patched things up, Square took a nice steamy dump on the Wonderswan Color by canceling their FF3 project and hightailing it to the GBA. Years later, that FF3 revival shows up on the DS...

2) Actually, Dinsey not only owns all the original characters but they have every say in the development, they just choose not to. After all, they made the agreement with Square to make the game in the first place, it wouldn't make sense for them to try and take over development halfway through. That would kind of make Square pointless. On the other hand, they can and have made KH games without Square at all. KH mobile was all Disney. Nomura even warned beforehand that it could happen and to ignore the storylines of games he wasn't involved in. Because of that, KHMobile is completely non-canon to the KH franchise (for those wondering, KHM was set during KH1, so it was a midquel). So, Disney isn't going to jeopardize the quality of the main series but they've clearly demonstrated that they have no qualms making their own KH games on the side.

3) You need to calm down. No one's trying to spread rumors. Like I said before, everything in this thread is nothing but speculation. Nobody's trying to pass KH on Wii off as factual. The fact of the matter is, though, that the people arguing that Disney's recent fascination with Nintendo platforms having an implication on KH3 is a much better argument than those people that claim no one with a PS2 is going to buy a Wii, or that people will be confused if KH3 isn't on PS3.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"