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Simulacrum said:
Darc Requiem said:
*~Onna76~* said:
konnichiwa said:
@piggychan: I didn't played all those game but so far I can remember I don't know any JRPG that I played where I had to fight a boss after a save and couldn't go back to grind or something like that.

Anyway it is not their first bad JRPG in the PS2 ERA they had some aswell like Unlimited Saga.



Not to imagine Code Age Commanders, and yes... I've played that game, total crap! Its a good thing it never came across the ocean.

@Dark Recuim, if reviews tell me the game is bad you honestly don't expect me to buy it now would you?


Reviews told me that Oblivion was great and Bioschock was outstanding and both of those games bored the hell out of me. Reviews told me that Lost Odyssey was above average when it is exceptional. According to reviews Valkyria Chronicles is no better than FFX-2. If that doesn't show what a joke reviews have become, I don't know what will.

Thats you.If you would have read whole review of those games you would have known do you like it or do you not like it.

So De Blob got 9.0.Should I get it,if I have played Mgs,Resident evils,Devil may cry:s,Final Fantasys...


If Final Fantasy Tactics gets 7.0,but I have played Advance wars and all other strategy games..



Thats why you should not watch only scores all the time,there is reason why they put text on reviews.




Actually that is what I do. I enjoyed Morrowind and there was no reason why I didn't think i'd feel the same way about Oblivion. With the exception of Bioshock, every example I gave was a RPG because that is one of my favorite genres. The only reason I really a bought Bioshock was because my best friend insisted. So I told him, you buy Metroid Prime 3 and I'll buy Bioshock. He enjoyed MP3 more than I enjoyed Bioshock