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where is all this KH exclusive to Wii coming from??? The only news about Disney making games for the Wii was that they were opening up a new studio. KH3 will br done by SquareEnix, SE is not exclusive to anyone but favors sony products the most since switching to CD format. Disney is not going to keep their patents or trademarks away from any of the three companies. They have an exclusive commitment with Sony to keep disney movies on BluRay, they made a deal to release many old and new HD movies on Xboxlive and formed a new game studio to make games like HanaMontana, and chicken little for nintendo. Disney has very little say about the actual game development of KingdomHearts, they never did to begin with. Game developement is soley on SquareEnix's part, disney just oversees the Voiceovers and Disney character developement. Anyone who thinks Disney knows squat on how to make a decent games (such as KH) is completely out of their minds. I'm not saying KH will stay sony exclusive, but the people that are blabbering about how the series will go nintendo exclusive just b/c disney opened a new low end studio to make games for nintendo is just plain BS. None of this is confirmed, so stop trying to spread BS rumors from nothing.