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kn said:
If Sony counters with a price cut in March, what then? Are we back to where we were with the PS3 gaining ground on the 360 during 2009-2010 or will the 360 pick up enough momentum this holiday that it can't be caught?

It would be interesting if Microsoft were to watch for the PS3 price drop and see how things progress -- give Sony 6 months or so to gain ground, then introduce a "slim" 360 with a slide-in drive, built in 120 gig, built in wifi, etc., for $199.00 going into the holidays of 2009. That would put the 360 soundly cheaper than the PS3 for enough time to ride out the end of the generation with a comfortable lead before the next iteration is released... Can MS have a slim ready for Christmas 2009 at $199? If they did, and it had built in wifi, I'd buy another 360 on the spot...


Well, 99% of the people that buy a 360 now won't buy a PS3 anymore because there are so few exclusives and most of the exclusives have a counterpart on the other console. This should really be Sony's worry. Also they won't likely be able to match the 360's price, even with a pricecut. Killzone won't sell much consoles, since the hardcore Sony fanbase already owns a PS3. GT5 should have been here a year ago, cause that's the only exclusive I see that will sell consoles.