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akuma587 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Domo-Kun said:

Nah, it isn't hard, you just have to stay dedicated.

Basically I didn't count anything but colories, since your body needs some carbs to keep your brain healthy, and some fat to keep your heart healthy, going too low on either can be really bad for you.

Calories are basically a count of both carbs and fat, so if you set a number for yourself, and buy generally healthy foods, it isn't rough at all.


 Being dedicated is hard work for some people. Also keep track of everything you eat too.. I mean at 2 in the morning if I wanted to snack on something I'd probablly forget to count them (youre being modest)

Its really all just about breaking habits and replacing everything in your diet with healthy stuff.  Once you have made the shift, its pretty easy to stick with it.  You feel better (it really is true that you are what you eat, your body works a lot better if you eat healthy), and your stomach shrinks, so you simply aren't as hungry.  Short-term diets don't work, you have to completely change your eating habits.  And you would be amazed how many of your eating habits are simply psychological and can be pretty easily changed if you just try.

You can snack as much as you want if it is healthy.  Foods high in fat, sugar, and sodium should be avoided.  One of my favorite healthy snacks is dehydrated fruit.  Craisins, for instance, are like heroin.  They are so damn good!

Potato chips are a major perpetrator, but aren't as bad if you go for the baked rather than fried varieties.  Whole grain stuff is much better for you too.

With desserts, you can switch to sherbert instead of ice cream.  Personally, I like it more and it has WAY less calories and a fraction of the fat.

A lot of people eat way too much meat as well.  The amount of meat you should eat per day is about the size of your fist.  And also, red meat (except stuff like filet mignon and roast beef that are very lean) should be avoided at all costs.  Same with most kinds of pork and other extremely fat meats.  Chicken and especially fish are much better alternatives.




 I like Goji Berries ;)