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Stever89 said:
Why why WHY can't Animal Crossing be both a so-called (though wrongly) "hardcore" game and a so-called (though again... wrongly) "casual" game at the same time? Oh wait, that's right. Because that would hurt "hardcore"'s feelings even though many of their games cater to the "casual" crowd anyway. This whole "hardcore" vs "casual" is so tiresome and stupid I feel like I'm back in middle school.

I have a 10 page rant on this wherein I also say how we should categorize games-gamers but I'm way too lazy to type it up. Until then, stay classy Matt.


Most, if not all popular games, are casual to an extent. Some also have a strong hardcore following. Mario fits into this category, so does Halo and Zelda - if to a lesser extent.

The either/or argument is pretty silly. There is only a handful of games that are so niche that can be termed hardcore only. More games are either casual/hardcore or casual.

Debating with fanboys, its not
all that dissimilar to banging ones
head against a wall