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I was logging on to this site, as always, but the internet was different; only I didn't treat it as different. More like it was totally familiar. The internet was like that game Portal, and I didn't type; instead, I just walked through a hole in 'cyberspace' and found myself in this place where numbers of all kinds were flying around, and there was tracking of everything sold (hardware and software) the very second they are bought. There were others there too, presumably other visitors in the site, and they were like in stasis, not moving while mesage bubbles escaped from their heads, which joined the stream of numbers and words that flew around the place. But here's the weird part (if that wasn't weird yet): I looked at myself in the mirror and saw myself as ioi's avatar with a gun in my hand and I was shooting everyone who was around.

Then the scene changed, and I was Mario in level 1-1 and there was a sexy girl on the other side of a giant mushroom. Some guy from heaven was telling me that the only way to get there was to eat the whole thing (which was the size of a hotel), so I started eating the mushroom and I noticed that I was getting an erection.

Then I woke up.

Weird ain't it? (This is no lie. I really dreamed it and I remember it so clearly like it was just a minute ago)

But maybe the mushrooms have something to do with it..