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RolStoppable said:
Pristine20 said:
appolose said:
Pristine20 said:
Cut the guy some slack. nintendo never mentions the online portion of the wii. Perhaps because it sucks? The PR guy probably really doesn't know it exists.


"It" doesn't suck, though ("it" being the games that choose to go online).  And Nintendo pushed it plenty with Brawl (not so good) and Kart (quite good), and MOH Heroes 2 and Call of Duty both have it featured, to name a few.  Furthermore, sucky online is way different than no online.

I just think complicated "friend codes" are a bad bad idea for a system trying to appeal to "casuals". Even as "hardcore" as I am, I won't play online if I had to keep so many complex numbers in order to do so. I liken this to mgs4 online where you had to create a different konami id from your psn and then a game id. Add the fact that you have to download updates from konami torrents and I never touched mgo as much as I love mgs4.

My little brother was trying to show me that he was the best in SSBB so I asked him to play online and it took 15 minutes for him to find people to play with (and he lost btw). For a game whose sales are encroaching on 10 mil, I thought that was a damn shame.

Third parties aren't required to use the friend code system with its own 12 digit code for each game, they are free to set up their own online model.

SSBB's online apparently sucks if you play against random people, but that doesn't mean that the same holds true for all Wii games. Actually SSBB seems to be the game with the worst online on the Wii, of the games that matter anyway.

I'd say that's even worse because of my mgs4 example


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