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So, after getting my 360, I grabbed Crackdown nice and cheap for like 20 bucks, but never played it.

My cousin's birthday just passed, and I decided, hey, I know, I'll get him Crackdown, and then we can both play co-op together.

Boy, oh boy, I wasn't ready for the CRACK in Crackdown. This game is addicting!

My cousin and I are running around collecting agility orbs, scaling massive buildings, and leaping like frogs all over the place. This game is great fun. Taking down gangleaders is quite satisfying, as well.

I didn't think it would be this fun. I've played it by myself before cause my brother got it to get into the Halo 3 beta. It was cool, but not something I thought I would get into much. The Co-op is definitely worth the price of admission, especially now when it can be had for 40 bucks or less brand new.

Anyone else pick up this little gem and enjoy it? I want a sequel, it would be so sweet.