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Bagaren85 said:
Why didnt you put the numbers in first post?? LOL.

Great 360 times. Lips maybe was suceesful? And some people loled that it was already dead. Haha, but the battle will be tight in december, both ps3 and 360 will do great.

And when time is ready ps3 will take some steps up. Good for gaming, becuase america and JP - Ps3 got some problems.


Japan is an added buffer for Sony this generation. It might be Nintendo first but its Sony second in Japan.

American really has fallen this generation in terms of the market to sell to. The EU has become the main market for the industy.

Still Sony wants profitability right now, they need sales and as long as sales increase this holiday their share holders will be happy and the game division might turn a really nice profit March 2009.

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