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atma998 said:
Max King of the Wild said:

@atma - like cgi said WKC is a JRPG... the very first for the system that wouldn't be a year old port (and no other releases soon after)... you don't think it will sell well? Secondly, GT5 hasn't come out yet for the Ps3... so good job with that comparison AND DW came out when the Ps3 user base was more than halved its user base now.... Third like I've said many times stop being ignorant and go look at the Japanese sales prediction thread... It was right on target with what most expected. And again... LBP is not an RGP. How can you post so many inaccuracies in such a small post?

 Max, you're such a funny boy. Always trying to convince people that PS3 is underestimated and that we should wait until....bla bla bla...

Firts WKC is'nt the first JRPG on PS3. Eternal Sonata, X Edge and Valkyria Chronicles are all JRPG and didn't do very well unless you're considering 34k, 27k or 78k are good first week sales. WKC can do better indeed but it won't have a meaningful impact on HW sales.

Second, I didn't talk about GT5 but rather about GT5:P which is the second best selling PS3 game in Japan. As for DW, it's a very popular franchise in Japan and I don't think a new IP like WKC could do better even with a larger userbase.

Third, I don't give a crap about your Japanese sales prediction thread if those predictions are made by blindness fanboy like you.

Oh and finally, obviously LBP is'nt an RPG but a lot of people predicted HUGE numbers for that game and it doesn't happen to be true.

Now this thread is about PS3 reaching 20 millions in 2008. Do you really think that WKC will do a difference. Seriously you and Crazzyman are my funniest VG members.

When did I ever say anything about wait till? The first time i said it in this thread I wasn't saying anything about how well the ps3 will do at a certain point but rather I want to see where it is at that point till I say if it can or cant make it to 20mil. There is nothing wrong with that and you need to comprehend what that actually means.

Yes WKC is the firsat JRPG of the system that isnt a year old port (Good job for leaving out the last part to twist your arguement) VC = SRPG ES = Year old port of a supposed medicore game. And isn't x-edge the game that is just a spin off of alot of other games? AKA very niche title that isn't dedicated to any story of a bunch of games.

And yeah you compared it to the prolouge that was exactly my point... You said "do you think it will do better than gt5" no i dont think it will... because i know GT5 will do better than its prolouge and I think WKC will too... you don't comprehend that do you?

Uh... silly it just proves how you and everyone else who says it underperformed is wrong since most people expected around what it did.... the perdictions were pretty spot on so obvious they werent blind fanboys. Only blind fanboy here is you because you don't use reason and use every chance you get to troll the ps3

Look at my last paragraph especially about the part that says "pretty spot on with expectations" but you admit you dont want to see the thread... probablly because you'll be proven wrong

Wow im happy I rank with one of your funniest members that means alot to me... especially since i have such stiff compitition.... and yes I do think WKC will have an impact on sales... but like I said earlier in the thread guess we'll find out on dec 25th.

And to repeat myself from earlier in the thread I think WKC will do about 180-200k opening week... and I don't see it doing more than 250k

(side note... do you know its ban worthy to bring up members that have not entered the discussion yet?)