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Euphoria14 said:


LitteBigPlanet is "obviously better" than Gears of War 2.


No, it's not. That is an opinion. Personally, I would rather play Gears, and I've played the hell out of LBP.

Try telling PS3 fans that Gears 2 is obviously better than R2. There is a much greater difference in the metascores between those games. It's just BS. It's all an opinion. Games that are more innovative deserve credit, but calling them "obviously better" than traditional games is a fallacy.

From someone who doesn't get online much, like myself, Gears 2 is a better experience. Even if it isn't, it's not "obviously better." That's arrogance. That's assumption. You're assuming that everyone else assumes the same thing you do. You believe that because the people you hang around with on this forum might mostly agree with you overall, that it's a generally accepted opinion. It's not.

However, that is an incorrect assumption. Most people, worldwide, would rather play Gears 2. I'd bet that out of all the HD console owners worldwide, the generally accepted opinion would be that Gears 2 is better than LBP.

IGN also gave Gears 2 and LBP the same score. Doesn't matter, granted, but IGN doesn't even agree that either game is "obviously better."

The reason that most people got the "LBP is the best game ever" bug in their head, is because of the hype. Not the game.

When the game came out, yep, it was just another game. A great game, granted, but one in a genre that isn't what I'd call popular. So, you stating your opinion as fact isn't something I can condone. It's not right. It's incorrect. Your opinion isn't a fact. It's an opinion.

Is your opinion a fact?

IMO, Fallout 3 beats both Gears 2, LBP, and MGS4 for my GotY, just to let you know where my "facts" stand.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.