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Thanks for all the welcomes guys, it's nice to see some known faces (or let's say avatars.)

@Rol: I thought I'd have to make some statements to show that I'm truly back. But the one about basements wasn't too bad, right?

@Hawk: The first couple of weeks were extremely embarrassing, it snowed about each second day and it was always freaking cold. After about the first half it became better, also because I could do more interesting things and because I got used to the army. The last weeks were just sitting around and waiting for it to end.
There are some good stories, best one probably is the one about a soldier fleeing to thailand just lately.

@Xen: Well it's swiss army, it's just for the fun of having one, not for actually going to a fight. Also, we start shooting in the second week already, so everything goes a bit faster here.

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Dragon Quest IV (DS)

Last Game beaten: The Rub Rabbits(DS)