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I was walking down new street in Birmingham, I walked past the church of scientology who were asking questions. One of them cornered me and started asking questions. I wasn't in a good mood so I decided to challenge her.

She asked me what I wanted out of life. I told her that I would like to do a PhD and have a happy family life. The following questions she asked basically backed me into a corner to make me say that I was very stressed. Things like, 'So is the prospect of trying achive all that scary?' you know, questions you can't say no too.

anyway, in the end she told me I could get rid of my stress and it would be simple. To which I told her that stress is really the only great motivator.

All I have achieved in life is through stress with deadlines, reports, grades and so on. If I didn't have any of that I would still have the mental age of a child because nothing would be forcing me to learn and grow. Then I told her that humanities great accomplishments have all been achieved through stress. When we are at war, the stress of thinking we could lose forces us to create new technology and that most of technology such as the computer and explosives have been created, improved and refined because of conflict.

anyway, she looked at me strange and walked off.