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The app store is from june.. so it's 6 months old..
From the article:

"500.000 copies of Super Monkey ball" at 10 dollars = 5.000.000 dollars in revenue.. surely they made back the costs

"Steve Demeter, creator of Trism, a $5 puzzle game similar to Bejeweled, earned $US250,000 in profit in just two months."

that's profit...

"New Zealand artist David Frampton's $7.99 helicopter game, Chopper, launched in July, was earning Frampton $4000 a day, The Australian Financial Review reported."

So it is a viable platform... anyone else thinking differently is just not thinking right...

and look at need for speed:

who doesn't want to play that..


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!)