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Commando said:

I realize I'm late on this one so I hope I'm not repeating anyone else.

I think the argument is agreeable except for on two points.

1. the graphics issue. This is exactly what Nintendo had in mind going into the Wii when it was called the Revolution. Software companies can't/won't do it, too costly. So on and so forth. Look at what the difference is in the Wii and PS360. Because of this I feel certain that next level graphics, perhaps on a 256 bit-bus? could be just what the doctor ordered. Obviously if your looking at Wii's success and profit ratio you might think I missed the point. However, looking at the statement they don't want to alienate their core fans, this is exactly what that would do. Besides MS is known for the horsepower, their fanboys love that.

2. I don't believe as people have stated that PS3 "gave up on PS2" and alienated their install base. PS2 sales are beating out XBOX and Gamecube combined (well, I guess cause GC is not in production anymore sooo yeah). I think what PS3 "did" to cause this is Price and LACK of backwards compatability on all models. I don't knoe which ones do or don't have it, but I do knoe that my nephew found out the hard way that they don't all  have it. I think when the player sits their and weighs his options. Ok I have 15 PS2 games 7 I don't really play 8 I do, and 2 I still play all the time! Some games are still coming out in PS2 version and the PS3 for $600 doesn't have BC. Only the $700 does (I don't knoe exact prices). SO DO I want to spend $700to keep my games or trade them in, to lose what I still want and pay only $450 for a PS3 and hope I like it as much as I have my PS2. Or should I just get a 360 for $300 and keep my old games and enjoy new ones more affordably. Sure I'll miss out on LBP and Resistance 2. But there are a lot of Killer titles that are on both.

I think after this, only the hardercore PS fans stick with SONY and others have jumped to 360.

Thats what I think anyway.

Thanks for the input Commando.

As I stated before, I do believe that there will be an improvement in the graphics. But this will not be focal point of the console. Just better graphics is not going to create new momentum for the console. It is too evolutionary and with the current level of the 360, it will not be extremely noticeable. So as long as the improved graphics fits in the $250 price tag - Microsoft should add them.

Regarding the PS2 comment. I think the point is that once the PS3 was introduced, PS2 owners knew it is the end of the road for their console. It was "last gen". The new games were not supporting it. They were forced to upgrade or stay behind. This made the PS2 owners a viable target for the 360 (and Wii).

Microsoft should try to avoid repeating the same mistake and should make sure that the 360 community does not feel left behind when the new console is launched. All of the new games must be available on the 360 as well. Perhaps will less poligons, pixels or colors. Perhaps with no 3D or motion controls. But they should all be there. It should also find a way for the old 360, for an extra payment, to be upgraded to enable at least some of the new experiences (motion controls, video camera for the old 360).

Every 360 customer that decides to stay on the 360 is a paying customer who is not at risk of churn. Each one of the 360 new titles will also play on the new console and will provide the full new experience so that the titles library investments are not just preserved but also improves.

Microsoft needs to aim at getting 150M users on its gaming platfrom. The only way to do that is not to start from zero. They must start with the 360 installed base - which should take them already about half way there.


Prediction made on 11/1/2008:

Q4 2008: 27M xbox LTD, 20M PS3 LTD . 2009 sales: 11M xbox,  9M PS3