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"ps. I saw GOD OF WAR III when I was in Santa Monica last week. I can and will not give away details. But I think it's ok for me to say two things: 

b- I thought GEARS OF WARS 2 looked about as good as a next-gen game could look... and that game is currently- and will probably remain- my game of the year. And hell, I think I actually get to vote on that kind of stuff in some circles :) And unless I get blown away by POP or something else I missed, GEARS 2 is the SHIT... this year. Dudes and dudettes, fucking WAIT till you see the amazing graphics... just fucking wait. And yes, Xbots, accuse me all you want of being a Sony fanboy. Just remember two things: 

#1- I just said GEARS 2 is the BEST fucking playing and looking game of the year... better than any PS3 game. And there are some damn good PS3 games, I feel. 

#2- FUCK YOU! I ain't no fan boy but this mother fucking game looks like nothing you've ever played... and you can hold me to that when this thing hits and when they start showing gameplay footage. It looks like a painting come to life- it's THAT good looking. 



If you won't believe the guy that created God Of War, then who else is there to believe? Based off of what Sony Santa Monica could do with the PS2, I'd expect GodOfWar to look even better than Killzone2. We'll see.

In other news, Jaffe enjoys Gears2.