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jasonnc80 said:

Zodiac for me is the best looking movie that's not animated on Bluray.

The Dark Knight if it plays it's cards right has the opportunity to surpass it.

I TOTALLY disagree with the comment about wanting HD crystal clear.  Movies shot on film will always have grain. The only way to remove that is with post-processing effects such as DNR and it will totally ruin the look of the movie.  There are numerous examples of films (a lot from Fox & New Line) that have this process applied to them.  Makes the movie look horrible.  300 was a special case in that they intentionally added grain for the "look" of the film. Cases such as this I can see why you would not like it but on movies that offer natural grain leave it alone I say.

Props for mentioning Zodiac, a fantastic film (and far superior to 300).

I also wholeheartedly agree with your comments on film grain.  Screw DNR.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.