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libellule said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Staude said:
those rounds are full of shit. I've checked some of the stuff out and they are full of crap. Besides plenty of games look better on the ps3.


Define "plenty."

No, in fact, list those games, if you have them handy.

I believe a few games look marginally better, and some run better....but no, I think that so far this gen, on average, the 360 versions tend to look better, because the PS3 is harder to develop for.

Truth is, there is usually very little difference. When there is, it's either because the PS3 looks slightly better, despite being in lower resolution, or the PS3 version is a total mess and the 360 version is significnatly better.

hi ZenfoldorVGI,

and so the 15-0 score doesn't shock you ???

"on average" doesn't mean "always" to my knowledge   :D



I didn't realize the damage control tagline for this one was "Eurogamer is biased."

If I did realize that bias was the current scapegoat, and not "The PS3 is hard to develop for." I would have made my post differently.

I mean, of course Eurogamer is biased. The PS3 is simple to develop for.

Anyway...out of every 5 multiplats this gen, I wouldn't be surprised if the 360 didn't maintain an edge in any random matchup.

I mean, a year later, and Bioshock caught a resolution drop. Seems common place. Especially when you consider the PS3 had no chance in any early matchups, when it was getting Madden at 30fps, and F.E.A.R. PS3 looked like a Wii game.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.