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SHMUPGurus said:
chasmatic12 said:
*Looks at EvilChronos' avatar*
*Looks at EvilChronos' signature*

Well, we know which system you prefer.

But seriously, I don't hate fanboys. In fact, fanboys are cool. Irrational fanboys with no logical basis behind their idiotic opinions suck major ass, though.

Obviously, that's not the point here, at least not how I saw it. What he's basically saying is that if we consider ourselves real gamers, we won't forge a bad opinion on a certain game because it's on a different console than the one you prefer the most.

I still read it every day, PS3 fans claiming Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots to be the best game ever (which I entirely agree with), and then you see other X360 and Wii fanboys saying it's just an interactive movie and stuff. It doesn't help when these fanboys have no clue what the Metal Gear franchise is all about too. :/

I say the worse fanboys of this generation are mostly young gamers that just recognize certain franchises for one specific game. Yeah, I'm targetting quite a few people here, but I'm starting to think it's really the case...!


Oh, I know. I'm sorry if it came off as an insult or wannabe-clever remark. Actually... it was supposed to be a clever response to his first paragraph... sorry.