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i think m$ just needs to make 2 systems and thats it. 1 basic model and one high-end model. both systems have hdd, but the high-end model has the very large hdd like (300 hdd) and the basic have (120). that way even the low end model has enough space for a good while, also make the next xbox at least 4 times more powerfull and include the next version of bluray or a higher capacity hd-dvd drive for the games. drop xbl to $30 a year fee, and also give the basic model 2 months free of gold service. also make it so it can play all 360 games, give wifi for both models,also give both models a sd and a memory stick duo slots , and give both models 4 usb ports and locate them all on the front of the system, make the drive and disk slot loading (like the ps3 and wii). also allow the controllers to be recharged through the system, and include the cable with the system. and lastly use a liquid cooling system to keep the system at the perfect temp.

Wow you really want Microsoft to fail - giving them an advise on how to lose billions once more.

You are describing a system that is

1. Expensive. Very expensive. Ensuring that the it fails to be the dominating system in the market.

2. Evolutiinary. Just more of the same. No innovations. Ensuring that no-one will care about it.


Prediction made on 11/1/2008:

Q4 2008: 27M xbox LTD, 20M PS3 LTD . 2009 sales: 11M xbox,  9M PS3