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Khuutra said:
Pristine20 said:

You're right, they certainly can't all ignore the wii. It could even make 50% marketshare in 2009 but I still don't think their support for the wii would ever come close to PS360.



All right, I can't let that one slide. Why do you think that single games succeeding somehow overrides the fact that large third-party publishers are losing money hand over fist?

In fairness to Pristine20, he wasn't saying here that it's a good idea that developers continue to do this, just that many of them will. To which I must reluctantly agree. I don't see it as a sustainable enterprise either, and I've made my case about that many times, but judging by the rapidly increasing rate at which developers are going under because they're too stubborn or invested to abandon the old ways, I'd have to say that I can see it happening.

Doesn't mean it's smart, or that I like it. And I still think the balance will change more towards the Wii, as time goes on. But the point is plausible, although not certain.