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Fumanchu said:
Sure I don't doubt that's the direction Microsoft wants to take, it makes sense to them for all of your aforementioned reasons. However, I still don't think WW the infrastructure will be there to support it, it's too reliant on your Internet connection in the ways you're suggesting - streaming games to cache, if your Internet goes down for whatever reason be it maintenance or router/modem dies or your speed is capped you can't even play games you've purchased...I would be incredibly frustrated.

On a side note; should all the games consoles adopt this method what happens the game retailers...ouch!

Good, we are almost in agreement...

By the time the next gen is released, the majority of the market will have proper connectivity. for those who don't have it, there will be the ability to add more storage either on the xbox (additional HDD) or on a local networked PC. Games that are cached locally can be played also off-line. For the other games you'll need conectivity. Just like you need connectibity to watch cable TV or surf the internet. This is not a new paradigm and people are OK with it.

As for the game retailers... they are heading towards the same fate as the DVD rental stores and CD retailers are headed... to the trash bin of history. With digital distribution you just don't need these physical facilities.


Prediction made on 11/1/2008:

Q4 2008: 27M xbox LTD, 20M PS3 LTD . 2009 sales: 11M xbox,  9M PS3