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Kenny said:
Pristine20 said:
Kenny said:

In all honesty, it's far too early to determine the overall sales distributions between consoles.  The Wii has demonstrated that games on it tend to be spread out further over time, while PS360 games enjoy much more front loading.  It's very probable that the PS360 versions will have more sales in the end, but the extent of that can't be drawn on first week sales data alone.  We can agree, though, that if a person had a Wii and a PS3 or 360, and wanted WaW, they would pick the PS360 version over the Wii, simply because the Wii version is inferior.

I'd also argue that the devout FPS fanbase hasn't migrated to the Wii in large numbers yet, simply because they've had little incentive too. Once you've played a good Wii FPS it's hard to go back to dual analogues, but before now there were only two good FPS games on the Wii, and one of them was more of an adventure game than a shooter. In the meantime, the HD consoles have been drowning in the genre. If you're a devotee, why would you wait two-plus years for good FPS games to arrive? I'd rather just buy an HD console (or gaming PC) and be done with it. And having settled down, it'll take more than just a cross-platform title that I can already play to entice me to pick up the Wii version.