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Pristine20 said:
bdbdbd said:


I haven't played any wii games so i don't know if the 3rd party devs mess up the motion controls or not but what I do know is this: our generation of 3rd party devs don'tknow what to do with the wii. It's painfully obvious. They want to make games for it but don't know how to approach. Hence, the cheap shovelware. They just ignored the GC and N64 but they aren't really ignoring the wii. EA  tries to specialize with titles like bloom blox sees pretty good success then turns around to see Activision's COD4 doing 6.6 mil on x360 which is a fomula they're more familiar with.

I think the honest truth is that the wii itself is an innovation and requires innovative titles as such to sell well (apart from nintendocore titles which nintendo fans always buy like SSBB, Mario, Zelda etc). Most devs are just used to franchising like the rest of the world. Wii development thus becomes much more costly/risky because that goes hand in hand with innovation whereas devs can continue reiterating (franchising) old successes on ps360 and keep succeeding. You can call devs lazy but just remember that 99% of the world repeats success formulas instead of creating new ones.

Teasing about Halo aside, I can definitely see where you're coming from here. I liken the Wii to the DS: the early going was rough because no one knew what to make of the damned thing, but once things settled down and third-parties started getting the hang of things titles, traditional and innovative, started to arrive in sizeable numbers. I'm guessing it'll be a similar story with the Wii, although the difference won't be as dramatic, since Western developers seem to prefer consoles and high-tech, much more so than their Japanese counterparts (who are historically more comfortable with handhelds).