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mike_intellivision said:

Reggie's point is that developers should be trying to make good games -- not that they have to look like HD consoles.

Look at Activision's recent Wii releases. In the past two months, they have dropped among other things, a minigame collection, a port of an old PS2 game, and a clone of Wii Sports. All carry a $40 price tag.

True, but in fairness they've also dropped both of their biggest properties on the system recently. One's doing better than the other versions, the other one's...not.

That tells us, and third parties, something, but not what the Wii detractors want it to be.

mike_intellivision said:

Had Nintendo made a machine like the PS3 and Xbox 360, it would not be selling. But since it made something different, those who don't understand can't figure out why it sells and take pot shots. Plus, you know that Kotaku would pick up on anything aniti-Wii.

With you a hundred percent. The first two lines in particular are more true than they should be. I'd also add that most third-parties didn't bother to make Gamecube versions of their games last generation, despite it being quite easy to do so. The whole "it's because the Wii's underpowered!" argument is weakened by that inconvenient detail.