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if you're not allowed to park in that spot, why would you?

I am not talking about handicapped parking (which I don't do) or parking before hydrants (which is dangerous) but if I just have to go into a shop and I am not really blocking the street (for example by using the space before the corner or before the dumpsters) I rather risk getting a ticket instead of walking for 15 minutes. Of course you need a good judgment. What is ok for 10min may be very rude to other people when done for hours.

Second example speeding. Irresponsible racing is bad and laws are important but for example the speeding laws in America are retarded. 65mph you must be joking. The ADAC our car help association will tell you that road deaths happen (at least in our country) in cities and in small, curvy country roads not on big freeways. We now have idiotic new clean-air speeding zones in some cities as well. It all depends on if you know what you are doing. Could you still break if something happens before you is the important question here.