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Hawkeye said:
Also, if the next Xbox has gears at laucnh and only marginally better graphics (may be Dreamcast to PS2 like bump) I would never buy it.

Isn't it the whole point? If Microsoft wanted to force its base to upgrade to the new machine it will not offer "forward compatibility" to begin with.

Gears 3 could be much better, even if the graphics are not much better (the graphics are awesome already). Imagine an immersive 3D experience in Gears. Couldn't this be much more exciting than a few more pixels on the screen?

The idea is to offer new experiences, but as Ninty showed - new experiences do not have to translate to better graphics. That said, I do believe the graphics will be better, but they will not be the focal point of the innovations.


Prediction made on 11/1/2008:

Q4 2008: 27M xbox LTD, 20M PS3 LTD . 2009 sales: 11M xbox,  9M PS3