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For American shoppers, there are some amazing deals on the 360 this holiday season. Anyone who pays retail and doesn't get something extra is a FOOL! (And I'm not talking the crappy games Microsoft is now bundling.) A lot of stores are offering extra games and/or controllers. And Dell has been taking 15% off all of the holiday bundles! Microsoft is pulling out all the stops to have their best holiday ever.

The free Gears 2 deal is fine, but for $300 you can get a lot of PS3 games. (shrugs)

(It's kind of funny that all Nintendo has to do is ship more Wiis this year. They're going to sell more than Microsoft and Sony combined and there's nothing either company can do about it.)

Numbers are like people. Torture them enough and you can get them to say anything you want.

VGChartz Resident Thread Killer