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madkiller said:
Million said:
madkiller said:
All you people making me out to be the bad guy in this situation must be pirating things yourselves since you make it out like it is no big deal for this guy to make money off of other people's products/works. I will not sit here and be called a snitch for trying to do the right thing. People like you are the reason this shit is spreading so much these days. Some of you have probably modded your consoles, maybe even paid someone else to do it. Frankly, I hope you all get caught one day if you condone this...


Oh yes you will lol. I don't condone piracy either but i'm not going to use my time to inform multi billion corparations that some one's messing with their profit margins.

Fair enough if the guys actualy hurting some one but "snitch" is the right word to use in this situation , tell me one person who's lost their job because of piracy and i'll apologise.

Actually, I will just ignore anything a douchebag like you says from now on. Trying to excuse piracy by talking about multi-billion dollar corporations profit margins is complete bullshit. Microsoft is not the only company we are talking about here. What about the small companies trying to get started making games? Those companies don't have billions and might go out of business without enough sales. You need to just keep your mouth shut since you seem to know nothing about how things really work. What you said is basically like saying that people should just walk into Walmart and take what they want because Walmart is so rich...


You can report him if you want as we don't really care but stop flaming us and accuse us of piracy.


How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...