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@Esa-Petteri: Well, considering that a number of party/minigame collections are pretty much failures on Wii, the devs aren't getting hint. If Game Party 2 ends up being one of the biggest selling 3rd party games, i'd bet that the developers have gotten it. If Conduit ends up being one of the best-selling titles, those developers understand the market too.
Looking at SMG, Wii Fit, MKWii, Twilight Princess, Wario Ware and Brawl, it looks like Nintendo understands the market.

Anyway you want to look at it, porting the Wii game to PS360 is the cheapest way to go still. Biggest possible audience, with smallest possible costs.

As for CoD:WaW; there's no reason to gimp the game down for Wii either, as you can see from the sales numbers. Fully featured games tend to sell better.

@bardicverse: You're right about that. The devs have been upgrading their Unreal 2 engines for Wii developement. But, atleast Quantum 3 engine should be (soon) available.

@Bod: Haha, you're right. It's always so funny when someone points that out. Mommy, why didn't i get candy, with the exception, that these are grown men talking.
The one who wants to do what he likes, can always put up his own company, but usually when you pay your own bills, the attitude tends to change.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.