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KBG29 said:
PS3 is the best Blu-ray player, the Best gaming machine, and the best value on the market. The problem is people don't care. People want games machines for $199 or less. Until the PS3 gets down that low Sony will be stuck with decent sales, but never enough to be a number one contender.

Personally I hate that people are not willing to spend more on a media center in a box. For me PS3 is an awsome system, but it had so much more potential had Sony really jacked it up. I would have been happy to spend $1000 on PS3 at launch had Sony stuck in an extra 512MB or RAM, went with dual RSX and Cell, and include a 4x BR drive. With thouse specs PS3 would have been viable tell 2020. Sadley it would have never taken off, and Sony would have had to leave the buisness.


Best Blu Ray player for your money: Fact. Best gaming system: Opinion. So what you're telling me that people shouldn't feel like the economy is on their ass and choose and alternative if they have the choice? Blu Ray isn't standard, so stop acting like it is. Just like my friend said, "I already have a DVD player and sorry I don't feel like seeing Brad Pitts pores, and I especially don't want to see anyones pimples while enjoying a flix." I have the PS3, but why do you hate the fact that people hate the fact that people wouldn't want to spend money on it? We're a free market society, so that discounts your fanboy logic.