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amp316 said:
Wow. It's hard to downgrade a game for the Wii so that wouldn't make sense. Wouldn't that make it easier to program a game for the Wii in the first place?

I thought that was one of the big advantages to third party developers. That it cost so much less to develop a game for the Wii. Combine that with the biggest user base and that should be where you go to make the most money.

But I think that developers are looking at the demographics in a more advanced way. They look at the Wii and its 30 million or so owners and try to decide where the biggest slice would be. Because the Wii is popular with EVERYONE, its user base is spread thin. Any one game area may only represent 25% of the user base. But, if you develop a FPS, that type of game would account for 80% (or perhaps even more) of the X360 user base. Add to that the fact that those 80% of X360 users will also be at sites like this many times a week looking for the next big games means you do not have to do much to advertise and get the word out. A large percentage of Wii owners only buy names they recognize (Mario, Zelda, Star Wars) or games that get alot of hype and news coverage (Wii Fit, Wii Music).

I believe that the Conduit will be a great game. I also believe that 75% of X360 and PS3 owners will have heard about it when it releases and about 25% of Wii owners will have heard about it. Although I believe it will sell well, I believe it could do so much better if Wii owners knew it was out there. That is where Sega must do two things to push this along. They must advertise it in a good way that will reach as many people as possible. They must also ensure that the box art is self explanatory. Many Wii owners go to the game section and scan for something that catches their eye. Boom Blox and Zack and Wiki are great games, but by looking at the box art can you tell what the game is even about? No. With other types it is easy. Sports, war, and racing games are obvious. The Conduit had better have cover art that screams alien invasion or people will just pass it by. Oh wait....did I get off topic? Wow, look at how much I have been typing!! Better stop now...


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