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Riachu said:
Darc Requiem said:
Riachu said:
Darc Requiem said:
coolestguyever said:
ever think that WRPG's are just better. Oblivion was amazing, Fallout 3 is great, Fable 2 is popular but I've never played it. WoW is hella popular even though its nerdy as hell.


I like RPGs period and Oblivion is overrated. The game is pretty, its well made, but its boring as hell. I actually had more fun with Morrowind. Mass Effect is one of my favorite games this gen, but it got great scores in spite of long load times, bugs, and repetitive side quests. TLR seems to be getting penalized for issues that were also present in Mass Effect. The difference is Mass Effect got a .5 to 1 point deduction. TRL seems to be getting a 1.5 to 2 point deduction.

The reviewers seems to think that the technical issues are more glaring in TLR than they were in Mass Effect


I'll make my final judgement when I get my hands on TLR but Mass Effect's issues were certainly more severe than Lost Odyssey's.


I played LO and I can safely say that framerate issues are actually the least of your worries in terms of flaws.  I can name some flaws that really bogged down LO from completely reaching its potential.


Mass Effect was a great game but it has several game breaking bugs. I never had a situation occur in Lost Odyssey that force me to reload my save data because of bug/glitch. I actually had one play through in which I couldn't equip Ashley with any armor or it would cause my game to lock up. Most of the bugs went away if you reloaded your save data but some did not.