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@Esa-Petteri: You're still not getting the point. If the developers are giving estimates about games costing 2-4 times on HD consoles, they are saying their shovelware on PS3 or 360 cost atleast 2 times what the shovelware cost on Wii. Which you only are proving with your Midway and THQ examples.

About the sloppy code, if IBM is to believe, Cell is picky about the code you're using. 360 can handle "sloppy code" much better than PS3 (so does Wii, but only on lower specs).

What you are trying to compare here, is a game with the same level of graphics on Wii and PS360. Of course, the game you want to compare, has to be a Wii game, since the other way around the game is impossible to make (and again, what's the point in doing that, it spoils the idea of the HD consoles). So we can say that making an HD game on Wii, is infinitely more expensive to make that a HD game for PS360.
Btw, which version of Megaman 9 do you think was the cheapest to make, WW, PSN or XBLA version?

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.