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Gaming Discussion - Screw EA - View Post

omgwtfbbq said:
Mummelmann said:
EA likes quick profits, and right now the PS3 can't yield that.
Until it can, expect lame excuses and shoddy ports from EA, then once it gets more popular we'll hear how it's not so hard to work on anyway and how they like to work on the BluRay format and so on and so forth...

Pathetic... I'm glad EA is mostly not involved in developing or publishing my favourite franchises!

So basically you want companies to continue to pour money into PS3 games that they cannot possibly break a profit from?

For what reason, exactly, should publishers be willing to do this?


 I'm not saying EA are jerks because the don't prioritize the console with the smallest user base, I'm just flustered at their statements when they use stupid excuses instead of saying it as it is; the PS3 is just not profitable enough for us at this point. Ranting on about how idiotic Sony were to use the Cell and how hard it is to develop games on will just cause damage to Sony, and in turn EA themselves, which can make good profits like they always have on the PS brand in the future.
