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Across the internet there is a question that is argued over 10,000 times a day. That question is wich system is better between the wii, 360, and ps3? How about ds and psp? Well the answer is none of the above because the only thing that matters is wich one u think is better and your OPINION will be different then others, and never forget that this is just your opinion...

If i asked someone in New York wich sky scraper is better, Empire state building or Sears tower I wonder what there answer would be? hmmmmm. How about if I asked a mustang fan wich is better between a mustang, camero, and firebird I wonder what his answer would be? hmmmmmm. I hope u see the point that Iam trying to make here, its quite obvious.

I also hate to break it to all of you but web sites and magazines are biased just like the millions of fan boys out there. Yes they might not be near as bad but I can guarantee 100% that every single person who rates games professionaly likes one system more over the rest. They do there hardest to not be biased and not pick one over the other but it is just human nature to like one thing over another and cheer for your choice, ask any psychology major. Iam not innocent either, I like the ps3 more then the wii and 360. I have owned all 3 and for my taste's I perfer the ps3. I dont have to tell u why because it is my opinion and my opinion only, u need to develop your own opinion but also respect other peoples choice on the matter.

The biggest problem with this console war is you are all comparing apples and oranges. Each system is different then the other in many areas so obviously it would appeal to different groups of gamers. I just really hate going to forums to see if there are any interesting game discussions and seeing that 75% of the posts read as: "ps3 is doomed!!!" "360 is worst system ever" "wii sucks, for kids only" this is trash and honestly should not be posted...

I really cant completly hate the fan boys because this kind of competition has been bread into humans for centuries and u can see it in history books for as far back as they go. I just wish there was 1 website that the fan boys could go measure all there cocks at and leave the rest of us sane people to discuss what really matters, THE FREAKING GAMES!

I can almost guarantee that a fanboy will come onto this post and make fun of my grammer and try to make me sound dumb but any intelligent person knows exactly what they are doing that for, they are mad that I pointed out a series flaw they have so they are going to try to get back at me and sound as smart as possible so plz go away.

PS: I know this post will change nothing and the war will get worse as time goes on, but perhaps if admin would not allow this trash on there site that we could squash it at its source but probably not. Think about how bad the next gen is going to be in fan-boy-ism since this gen is so bad? Scary? I would say so...

My PSN Name is:  EvilChronos    add me if u want :)


PS3=130M     360=90M     Wii=120M     DS=130M     PSP=70M

Other Prediction: The PS3 will overtake the 360 XMAS of 09  "9-21-08"