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bardicverse said:
@ OP - different devs on future Bond games, controller schemes, etc. Goldeneye was more about making a game that had graphical inspiration from the movie. Most movie-based games try to turn the movie into a game, which outside of the Lord of the Rings game, usually sucked in the past. The approach for the development of Goldeneye was very different, and it paid off handsomely.


What he said.  Though I didn't dig Goldeneye as much as others, though I played it a lot, I mean it was a game I wanted to love so much, but then would get frustrated at parts of that game cause the controls weren't to my liking =\ but it didn't keep me from beating it and loving it.  Motion sensor bombs FTW!

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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