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I might be one of the few to say this, but while I liked the movie, I found the action scenes to be the biggest detraction. I thought the same about Casino Royal bomb maker chase scene too. They just blow up the action scenes too much. It's not as bad as in some movies but I thought most of the action scenes could have been trimmed or toned down a bit.

And it seems like most complaints about the movie are that it isn't what people were expecting (the more traditional bond films). Except traditional bond films are outright goofy, so they decided to reinvent the series. Batman and Bond Begin, Superman and Indiana return. Notice which two series' have taken off and which two royally sucked?

I'm happy with the new direction, as the Brosnan's were delving in to Moore territory. And fuck the Moore movies were bad.
Live and Let die was Bond + Crappy blaxploitation film = bad bond movie,
The Man with the Golden Gun was just plain silly,
Moonraker was so silly it made Man with the Golden Gun look good and last but absolutely stinking worst...
Octopussy... An evil traveling circus? A palace of lady ninjas? Bond dressed up as a clown? The fact that grown men would pay to see these movies is why the male stereotype exists.

We've got to face it people, in the past, some of the worst written and most poorly conceived films to reach box office success have had the name Bond on them. The fact that they've decided to scrap the whole thing and start fresh makes a lot of sense.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.