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Sqrl said:

The thing I simply don't get is why if they find the game so boring do they feel the need to come trash it?  There are plenty of games that I didn't like that I thought were overhyped that I didn't feel the need to trash.  This kind of persistence on a topic the person claims to be disinterested in doesn't really make much sense to me.  What benefit is gained from this? ***2)***


There are three easy ways for getting attention in regards to games on teh internets: Trolling, bashing a widely appreciated game, or defending a widely despised one. Only one of those is a bannable offense, and the former is much easier to do than the latter.

I can understand why people don't necessarily love it, though. First of all, the single-player component is practically non-existent (ie. a near-dealbreaker for someone like me), and second, the game essentially demands a team. And I'm pretty sure that players, being the persistent pests we are, can find all sorts of nifty ways to completely eviscerate the games balance in the coming weeks.

Also - it might be just me, but a game like this can potentially have a really steep learning curve. When you are required to work as a team, wide differences in skill can quickly disrupt a team and its performance, and weaker players will either be typecast in the weakest roles there are or ousted completely. I don't use Steam, so I don't know whether it has a skill-based matchmaking system or not, but this is something to consider IMO.

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