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Esa-Petteri said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:


What it's the truth... controls with a traditional 2 analog controller is slow, clunky, and annoying.  I mean in CoD4 on 360 I can beat the mess out of people but I get killed due to not being able to turn around to check my back and make sure no ones back there... with the Wii/PC shooters it's very easy and doesn't feel like luck that this guy just happened to spawn behind me, or just sits and waits for me to pass by cause the controls aren't accurate or fast enough to check hiding spots really fast like you can on PC/Wii games... for the lack of a better term it makes shooters almost broken on PS3/PS2/GC/Xbox/360 really it's like saying the N64 controller was better at FPS game control then dual analog... it's far more broken dual analog... really why would anyone torture themselves with inferior controls?  It really makes the game less fun to play when you die cause of poor controls instead of reaction time and instincts... which is what competition is all about and well... FPS IS the competitive "sport" of video games...


I know, I just don't get it why people would play with inferior controls/graphics/physics. Mouse+keyboard is so much better than wiimote for fps/rts and many other games. Rest of the games are better on dual analog.

Oh, you don't agree? It is nice when people have different opinions and it is even nicer when people don't represent their opinions as facts.


Hmm... when did these "other games" come into question, I was talking about FPS games, how about you get more then 20 posts before you try ripping into someone who knows what the hell they're talking about?  It would be a great idea.

And for the bolded as far as FPS goes Wii remote and Mouse + KB are tied after playing CoD WaW, mouse still gives a bit more steady shot, but because of the Wii remote actually being a controller you have easy to press and get to buttons for all your actions, and then have an analog stick instead of "wasd" for movement so you can vary in walk speed as well as more angles you can walk at other then 8 like you're forced to when you use KB.  Both have advantages and disadvantages but they both allow for equal control.

Graphics for CoD: WaW were nothing short of amazing, it was the first Wii game to make me think to myself "how could this possibly be coming out of the Wii" and when you're in a fire fight with about 20 - 25 germans you don't really notice a few missing polygons and a few lower rez textures to be quite honest.

And physics are the same, Wii can handle the same physics engines the PS3 and 360 uses, you seen the force unleashed which was supposed to be some of the best physics ever?  Yeah Wii used that same engine.

So why don't you learn up on the facts before trying to bash someone for actually having some hmm?

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000