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BenKenobi88 said:

He's right haven't experienced the game until you've played through an entire campaign...especially the finale.

Blame Valve on not giving enough levels in the demo if you want...but the full game is definitely better, and harder.

He has a point, though. If you "need" to complete a campaign run to "fully" experience L4D, why doesn't the demo include a full campaign? More importantly, why release a crippled, half-assed demo that gives an inferior image of your product in the first place?

The vast majority of ye old shareware games always included at least one full episode/campaign/whatever, so the player would get enough gameplay to decide whether you wished to buy the full version or not without giving too much away for free. Demos are meant to be playable commercials of the game itself, and if they are lacking for whatever reason, they drive customers away and the company is only shooting itself in the foot. And if the closest legal thing to the full game leaves a bad taste in a players mouth, it's completely justified and reasonable to give the game a pass unless convinced otherwise.

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