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@yushire: Animal Crossing is a core game. I think it's now you who don't understand what core means.

@Ail: You're right about what the big publishers would like to do, but you're wrong about how they get there.
Wii, as the most popular platform, is important for the publishers in order to maintain the reputation of their big IP:s. If they keep on putting out half-assed ports of their HD games, the Wii owners see the IP:s as bad (think what happened to Sonic). Then, this is what gives a lot of room for the smaller publishers and their Wii specific games, that aren't half-assed.
If for example Conduit is successful and has quality, it may be the biggest shooter IP next gen.

@Esa-Petteri: Name fits btw.

Nintendo is remaking some GC titles, but the thing that is different, is that GC never sold in big numbers, so the remakes are more or less new games for most of the Wii owners, despite selling well on GC. And this is the difference; 3rd parties that put their cheap PS2 ports on Wii, are either putting out games that were on PS2 at the time and everyone who wants one, already has it or a straightforward port, that isn't using Wiis abilities at all (outside maybe adding "some" motion control for a gimmick, to get good ol' waggle out of it). So basically their idea would be to sell the game for the former GC owners, that own Wiis.

Since none of the remakes are out, it's hard to judge how they will be made.
In any case, it's a good way to offset the supposed lack of 3rd party core games on Wii.

And lastly, i didn't get the idea of your list for two reasons:
1. What difference does it make who the publisher is? "3rd parties" isn't an instance, but a number of them. We have atleast Nintendo, Sega, Ubisoft, Take Two and Capcom and EA having successful games on Wii, which apparently should mean, that publishers outside the ones mentioned, can't succeed.
Besides, you yourself made the whole "3rd party" -argument irrelevant by mentioning the genre and using SMG as an example for a genre that can sell.

2. Apparently your list was about games that already have a name and there have been put some effort to them. Which basically is the same thing with best selling PS360 games.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.