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Coca-Cola said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Ok, I installed Fallout 3, and yes, it makes your pip-boy come up and scroll insantly, so yes, it combats sluggish menus. I didn't notice an decrease in load times, but I did notice a decrease in pop-in textures and any game hitches or lag is completely gone from the game.

I bet playing Mass Effect on the Hard-Drive makes it a AAA game.

The NXE is better than I expected.

Sounds awesome.

I'm gonna try it with Mirror's edge - there are few annoying "loading" time during the game.



I installed Mass Effect last night just to see how it would run. It doesn't effect the elevator rides as they are hardcoded take a certain amount of time. The texture pop-in is reduced. It's still there but it's not as bad. When you go to your squad menu, the texture pop-in is all but eliminated. It also seems to eliminate the "disk fetch". Mass Effect would often freeze momentarily while the game loaded data from the disc. I ran through the Citadel and that didn't occur at all. It doesn't eliminate all the issues with the game but it definitely is a significan't improvement. The game still has frame rate drops but with the "disk fetch" related frame rate hitches gone, it isn't nearly as bad. The non elevator related load times are shorter as well. I'll probably test out Lost Odyssey this weekend.