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PC Discussion - Flash Memory - View Post

Jo21 said:
vlad it will never be cheaper than disc.
unless disc based/laser based begin to show limitations it's not likely


You mean kinda like an extremely limited read/write speed?

I'm actually up for grabs on what happens first, a solid state memory hard drive or flash drive distributions. Since when the bigger sizes, like 256 gigs and so on, hit commercial prices the drives on the lower spectrum will become increasingly cheaper. Eventually we're gonna have games that install within seconds and my Vista will be booting up in 35 secods or less, not to mention eventualy flsh drives will hold more than anything we currently have and still be cheap enough to produce, but that's more than several years away, maybe 5 to 10 if I had to take a guess.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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