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RolStoppable said:

Gamers need to start to realize that big budget games can only be made a profitable venture if the userbase for a console is big enough. Don't look down on casuals and this new audience Nintendo also caters to with their games, without these people we would see less big budget games in the future due to many publishers posting losses in their financial reports or even worse, going bankrupt.

Publishers were making profits on big budget 360 games in the first year of it's life.  It's not just the number of consoles that matters, otherwise Viva Pinata would have been much more successful considering it's a great game, it's the audience itself on the console that also matters.  You tell people not to look down on casuals but lets be honest, how many of the casuals are going to buy the big budget story driven games when they bought their system and use it for games like Wii Sports?  I'm betting very few of them.

I also don't see why we have to be thankful to the casuals.  So the publishers devote more of their resources to casual games, find it far more lucrative to make cheap party games or other budget titles, what exactly is going to make them want to continue with their big budget games if they weren't making a profit with them in the first place?